"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" -- Harry Warner, of Warner Bros. (1926) Judex Episode 7: The Woman in Black (La femme en noir) Highlights: How times have changed: in 1916 grey hair is light, but in 1896 blonde hair is completely dark! The Heartbroken Avenger The Whoop-Ass Woman in Black Online: Internet Archive Judex (Serial) Prologue Episode 1: The Mysterious Shadow Episode 2: The Atonement Episode 3: The Fantastic Hounds Episode 4: The Secret of the Tomb Episode 5: The Tragic Mill Episode 6: The Licorice Kid Episode 7: The Woman in Black Episode 8: The Underground Passages of the Chateau Rouge Episode 9: When the Child Appeared Episode 10: Jacqueline's Heart Episode 11: The Water Goddess Episode 12: Love's Forgiveness Epilogue