Courtesy of this balaclava-clad police "escort" to court in Malaysia.
View...Part 7 of the Fixed To Fail series:
Justice: the updates
View...Indefinite delay, severe restriction of movement, part-time imprisonment: all just daily routine in the borderland.
View...No need to entertain the troops: the troops want to entertain you...
View...A common myth finally exposed - just because Donald Trump repeats it.
View...Freedom is a privilege, captivity is the rule
View...Security, law and order are just three shots away...
View...Costs cops nothing...
View...Online stir, Facebook censorship, flight to alternative, Facebook denial
View..."...a stern-faced member of the Royal Malaysia Police - in helmet, battle fatigues, and bullet-proof vest - posing for the publicity shot, with assault rifle casually pointed towards the head of a toddler..."
View...Do we want to fish or do we want to develop a modern steel industry?
View...The role of educational systems in Patani Thailand
View...Psychiatric disorder in the mind of the beholder: Taiwan executes youth 18 days after Supreme Court rules that randomly stabbing and slashing strangers to death was a sane act.
View...An abducted critic of the Thailand junta, charged with lѐse majesté, has warned that private Facebook chat is no longer safe under the military regime. Was it ever?
View...Denounce Thy Neighbor - or go to jail
View...Pattani community shows overwhelming support for religious school confiscated by authorities
View...What happens when Donald Trump, positioning himself as an anti-establishment outsider who is free from lobbies and unafraid to voice controversial views, meets one of the most powerful US lobbying groups?
View...Part 6 of the Fixed To Fail series:
Are calls to arrest, judge, and imprison killer cops effective in changing/eliminating the existing power structure - or do they only help maintain that system?
View...'As long as you are held within a pattern, you must create disorder in the world.'
View...WARNING: Mind not yet deprived of any imagination, so video might not make sense
View...After the latest US horror, condolences were received from state leaders around the world. This one is from Voidsville.
View...The explosive tale of blazing lust fuelled by the Big Payoff, a deadly femme fatale, and hog carcass - that bumps against one tough cop...
View...A healthy democracy needs informed voters, so listen up as The Boss lays down the Rules Of The Game: 'Freedom to choose is just a ruse I use...'
View...Re Ta1wan's 2012 presidential election, US Assistant Secretary of State told Congress: 'We don't play favorites, we don't choose a candidate'. Does history support his claim - or the policy of Memo 23?
View...Obama to Taiwan: Washington, not the people of Taiwan, knows what is best for Taiwan - because Taiwan is not yet ready for self-determination.
View...Obama used noble words to justify the bombing of Libya but, in an impromptu reply, he spoke more openly about the economic mission of the attack - and cited China as a model.
View...A love that never dies - even if it kills all of us.
View...The generic AIPAC speech - again and again...
View...That old rascal De Lawd is at it again, his puckish match-making igniting nuclear revelations in market-driven messiahs.
View...In the spirit of the Christmas season, a 1-minute appeal for Peace on Earth.
View...On the pros and cons of non-conformance...
View...** Hi, I'm Steve Wagstaffe, the poster child for racial jury rigging. **
In an unusually sharp rebuke, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals called San Mateo County Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe's justifications for barring an African-American from the jury 'pretexts', 'make-weight' and 'logically implausible'.
The sentencing of DeShawn Campbell, accused of killing a San Jose policeman is placed in context
View...Coming to a theater near you...
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