Activist’s Mother Defamed Monarchy With Her Silence, Police Say:
Patnaree Chankij, the mother of a prominent student activist, never sent a single message insulting the monarchy,
police said Friday evening as they denied her release.
However, it was the fact she received such messages but made no effort to reprimand their sender
for which she will be tried on a royal defamation charge...
in the first known instance of someone charged under such reasoning.
Denounce Thy Neighbor
Although such reasoning may be new to Thailand, "Denounce Thy Neighbor" (or else suffer their fate) was the Golden Rule of another land, not so far away, not too long ago.
One of the most ugly aspects of life in Communist China during the Mao Zedong era was the Party’s demand that people inform on each other routinely and denounce each other during political campaigns. This practice had a profoundly destructive effect on human relationships. Husbands and wives became guarded with each other, and parents were alienated from their children.
--- Nien Cheng, Life and Death in Shanghai
I think this issue will make people in the future live in a very dangerous situation.
--Teerapan Pankeeree, a member of Thai Lawyer for Human Rights group
Related Resources
Political Prisoners in Thailand states it's mission as:
POLITICAL PRISONERS IN THAILAND (PPT) is dedicated to those who are held in Thailand’s prisons, charged with political crimes. We seek to raise the cases of those who are accused of political crimes. Our focus is the contemporary period where political cases revolve around the use of Thailand’s lese majeste law, the Computer Crimes Act and the sedition law... [more]
Prachatai English states it's mission as:
Prachatai (www.prachatai.com or www.prachatai3.info) is an independent, non-profit, daily web newspaper established in June 2004 to provide reliable and relevant news and information to the Thai public during an era of serious curbs on the freedom and independence of Thai news media... [more]