That Was Then...
Cécile Guyon in Max Speaks English (1914)
The leading ladies of Max Linder's French films displayed a formidable screen
presence that not only transcended their limited roles, but also transcends time: fashions change, but style is
...This Is Now
With some (relatively mild) darky humor, a cop chase, and a Mary Pickford-wannabe (Max's strangest looking love interest since
"In Love With The Bearded Woman"), this was an obvious effort to climb aboard the American comedy gravy train.
It's "America's Sweetheart", "The Girl with the Curls": Alta Allen (wait - who??)
Some elf is left shoeless, and Santa Claus is missing his maternity dress
The good news is that Barnyard Betty soon loses that sack on her back
A bit sad to see a unique talent reduced to imitating a simpler style, in a doomed attempt not to be left behind (like a great bebopper
playing top-40). Watching the dapper Max on screen first lose his suitcase, then his wallet, and ending in jail as the scratch-bitch for a
fleabag thug, we can only wonder what Linder felt about his own off-screen fortunes as he penned this tale of decline.