More than a good idea - it's the law! When two signs greeting arrivals to Kuala Lumpur international airport come together...
View...'...what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break?'
View...At King Koil (a mattress brand with over US$1bil in global retail sales), Customer Service says your sleeping comfort is 'out'.
View...Too Much is Just Right
View...The race card is real!
View...Qingming evokes reflections on memorials and (blues) ancestry.
View...'The greatest moralizing and socializing force of all time.'
View...On these treacherous roads, you get a bit uneasy when your bus driver's prayer session goes into overtime...
View...The green side of Kaohsiung's mean streets: images from 12/2011-10/2013.
View...Visitors' impressions of the transportation system of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
View...A silly little fable with pretty pictures
head city
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