Her Day In Court

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New allegations in court case

Yesterday's Seoul Court hearing of the corruption case against a ruling party legislator took multiple surprising turns, that left both prosecution and defense scrambling to recover.

The legislator was charged with embezzling public funds, inflating his budget by employing an assistant in name only. He claimed to have hired the assistant, but the Seoul District Prosecutors Office said he instead created a dummy position, using a false name of a non-existent person to obtain the salary for his personal use.

But prosecutors appeared stunned when the legislator actually produced the assistant in court, who confirmed her receipt of the salary.

Then suddenly it was the defense who appeared stunned when the assistant took the opportunity to voice her workplace grievances, ultimately breaking down in tears and accusing the legislator of sexual abuse, telling the court: "He forced me to perform degrading sexual acts, treating me like a life-size sex doll."

Afterwards, the legislator's lawyer claimed his client was innocent, telling reporters: "There's no truth to any of this. It's just a story that was blown up out of proportion by a silly little blog post."