Definitions of Terms Used

Note: Who Are "Police"?

  • In 2003 the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) switched to a federal standard occupational classification system. Because census surveys before 2003 combine police and detectives into a single occupation category, while surveys from 2003 onward combine police and sheriff's patrol officers, some statistics in reports before 2003 are not comparable to the corresponding statistics in reports from 2003 and later.

    Other law enforcement workers not included in the category of police and sheriff's patrol officers:

    • Bailiffs
    • Correctional Officers and Jailers
    • Detectives and Criminal Investigators
    • Fish and Game Wardens
    • Parking Enforcement Workers
    • Transit and Railroad Police
  • Criteria for inclusion in the FBI Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted report are here

Fatality rates are used by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to compare the risk of incurring a fatal injury among worker groups. Fatality rates are expressed as the number of fatal work injuries per 100,000 workers. The fatality rate of a particular group can be compared to the national workplace fatality rate for all workers using the ratio of the occupational to natonal fatality rates, called the index of relative risk.

Other assault/violence includes self-inflicted injury and attack by animals.

Transportation incidents includes highway, nonhighway, air, water, rail fatalities, and fatalities resulting from being struck by a vehicle.