What Are The Lethal Risks of US Police Work?
May 22, 2009
If the risks of police work are "enormous" and "lethal", yet incidents like the Oakland and Pittsburgh killings are extraordinary, just how much and what type of lethal risk do police typically face?
Fixed To Fail: The Emmett Till Murder Trial
Dec 24, 2008
When agents of change threaten the status quo of the power structure, sometimes to beat them you must appear to join them. And that's when the best defense can be a bogus defense in court - or jive justice.
Emmett Till's killers got away with murder. Like other crimes that took place in the South during the civil rights era, the Till murder case has been repackaged to fit the standard narrative of civil rights tourism. This presentation reexamines the case, exploring the role of the prosecution in maintaining Mississippi's brand of white supremacy.
Fixed To Fail: The US Illusion of Justice
Dec 27, 2006
When agents of change threaten the status quo of the power structure, sometimes to beat them you must appear to join them. And that's when the best defense can be a bogus defense in court - or jive justice.
In the early years of the last century, it was almost inevitable that Carrie Buck would join the estimated 60,000 others in the US who were sterilized without consent. But the case of Carrie Buck established a precedent in deception: Carrie Buck's lawyer conspired with the opposing lawyer to guarantee that her challenge would fail, so that the sterilization law would be upheld by the highest court.